Manel Nees

I'm Manel Nees Colomina a boy of sixteen yers old, I'm student of Thau Sant Cugat. I've got brown hair and I'm a bit tall. In my free time I play rugby in the rugby club of Sant Cugat. I play thirteen.
About my personality, I'm a very sociable person but I like to do things on my way without pressure, allways chilling and calm. Athough I like to spend time with my friends. And sometimes with my familly.

Day 1:
When we arrived with plane at our destination we took a bus and we went to Moate. My firsts impressions of Ireland in comparison with Spain are that here people speaks in English, sky is always grey because of the clouds and in Ireland there are lots of places with very green vegetation. When we where on Moate our family took us to their house. At there we stayed all the time playind with Sean(our "brother").

Day 2:
We went with bus to the Cliffs of Moher, my first impression when we arrived was that the winter has came because we where in front of the sea and there was wind. The views were spectacular. I'd love to see how the enormous cliffs were in front of the Athlantic ocean. The we had lunch and after that we returned to Moate.

Day 3:
We went to Dublin and visited the Jeanie Johnston, a ship that transported Irish people to America long time ago. After that we went to the trinity college a very famous University around the world. And we realized a very fun activity that we had to pick selfies of our group in specific places of Dublin. Then we returned to our houses in Moate. In think that Dublin is a city with magnificent buildings and roads with good shops in general.

Day 4:
Today we went to Clonmacnoise an ancient religious place with beautiful churches near Moate, there we learnt a little bit about this place history with a film and a guide. After that we went with the bus to Moate's school to work in our project. After to hours of working very hard we had free time in Moate. Then we meet all toeguether again and played Gaelic football and Curley. When we fineshed we went home, we had dinner, and Amanda brang us to a place where we joint a concert of tipical music and Irish dances.

Day 5:
Yesterday we were in Dublin to learn much more about Ireland's history. So we visited the GPO the place where the Irishs rebel·lions acted in the war with Britain. Nowadays the GPO it's a museum where we can learn about this. After this we had freetime, and later we meet on the Trinity college, and then we made a guided tour around Dublin. Wacthing Dublin like if we were in the moment of the war.

Day 6:
Today we went with the bus to Galway, the second importantest city in Ireland. To learn more about this place we had to do the same type of game that the first day in Dublin. Also we had lots of frretime to walk and enjoy the city. What I liked the most of Galway was the river that crosse the city.

Day 7:
On the last day in Ireland we went to diferent places before the airport. First of all we went with the bus to the Guinness factory, the place where the most famous beer of Ireland is created. That was a nice time to explore this place and to learn a bit of the history of this Enterprise. After that we went to the Phoenix park, the biggest in Europe, where we had been relaxing for a long time, and we had lunch. Around four o'clock we taked the bus to go to the airport. And at eleeven o'clock we where in Barcelona's airport.

Ireland for m

Ireland was  ood place to visit but in my opinion not the best for a school trip, i felt tired for the long hours in the bus and some tours weren't as much as interesting than others. On the other side I'd love Dublin, to my mind is a city with incredible buildings, lovely places and shops and also a lot of history. In conclusio for me this trip has been a good experience, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I expected.
